What is a 2-Dimensional Echocardiogram (Cardiac Ultrasound)?

This is a safe and painless procedure that uses a transducer (a small, microphone-type device) to send high frequency sound waves to the heart. The technologist can view the heart valves and pumping strength, look for structural defects, heart enlargement, and/or fluid buildup. A Doppler exam and Color Flow exam are also performed. This allows Dr. Yoo to evaluate blood flow through the heart. The technologist will videotape parts of the stud

Download or view our patient education handout on 2-dimensional echocardiograms.

In this article, you will learn more about:

  • Time Required
  • Preparation and Procedure
  • Processing and Reviewing Results

Time Required

The procedure takes 1 hour and is performed in the clinic, not the hospital.


Preparation and Procedure

  • You will lie on your back and left side.
  • Electrodes (small, adhesive patches) will be attached to your chest to record your heart’s electrical activity during the test.
  • Gel will be applied to your chest.
  • The transducer will be placed on your skin and moved around the area to view the heart from different angles.
  • Wear clothing that is easy to remove from the waist up.
  • Avoid the use of creams and lotions on the chest area.
  • There are no diet restrictions.
  • Please bring a list of medications.

Processing and Reviewing Results

  • Dr. Yoo will read your echo 1-3 days after your procedure. If there are abnormalities that require immediate attention, our team at HRS will reach out directly to you via phone if there is an urgent issue. 
  • Otherwise, your results will be uploaded to your chart and made available to you via the Athena Patient Portal within a week, and Dr. Yoo will go over the details of the report with you during the follow up appointment. 
  • Follow up appointments will be scheduled the day of your echo procedure. In addition, we are happy to fax your results to your primary care physician or other healthcare providers; if necessary, please provide the appropriate fax numbers to our front office staff.